These 50 Dating Fails Will Make You Feel Pretty Good About Your Love Life

These 50 Dating Fails Will Make You Feel Pretty Good About Your Love Life

%Whether you’ve found the love of your life or you"re still on the hunt for prince charming, chances are you’ve kissed a few frogs along the way. Navigating the world of dating is anything but a perfect science and you’re bound to have a bad date or two. Between the nervous sweating and forced small talk, no date is perfect, but only a few can truly be considered the worst dates ever. As you sit there swiping left or right on Tinder, it’s important to remember that you’re not alone, and that no matter how awful your dating life may seem in this moment, you’ve got to be doing better than these 50 Twitter users.
1. Keeping it in the family, I see. Twitter / timdrake
2. Well at least someone found love. Twitter / lindachilders1
